文档介绍:河南理工大学 2010 届本科毕业论文 I 摘要纳米聚合物微球由于其特殊的结构,具有比表面积大、吸附性强、凝集作用大及表面反应能力强等特性。它在许多领域有着重要的作用,例如可作为粒度标准物质和制备胶粒晶体的原料, 也可作为模板制备微胶囊及多孔材料。本文采用乳液聚合法制备出了粒度在 20~50nm 的聚苯乙烯(PS) 胶体微球, 同时考察了单体浓度, 乳化剂用量, 温度等工艺条件对PS 微球的粒度及单分散性的影响。研究发现,微球平均粒径随单体浓度升高而增大,随乳化剂用量的增加先增大后减小,随温度的升高而减小。在苯乙烯的质量为 , 水的质量为 56g , 过硫酸钾的质量为 , 苯乙烯磺酸钠的质量为 , 温度为 80℃的实验条件下成功制备出平均粒径为 的单分散聚苯乙烯微球。同时尝试超声乳液聚合法制备 PS 微球,考察了超声时间对 PS 微球的粒度的影响,研究发现,微球平均粒径随超声时间延长而增大。关键词:乳液聚合;纳米;单分散;聚苯乙烯微球河南理工大学 2010 届本科毕业论文 II Abstract The nano-polymer microsphere has large surface area, strong adsorption, aggregation, and surface reaction ability and so on due to its special structure. It plays an important role in many areas, for example ,it can be used as the size standard materials and materials of preparing colloidal crystals, and the template to prepare micro-capsules and porous materials. The monodispersed polystyrene(PS) colloidal microspheres were prepared by emulsion polymerization and the microspheres ’ average particle size are 20~ 50nm. At the same time , some conditions such as the concentration of monomers, emulsifier content, temperature and other processing conditions on monodisperse and particle size of PS microspheres were investigated. that the average particle size increases as the monomer concentration increasess; the average particle size increases at first and then decreases as the emulsifier increases; the average particle size decreases as the temperature rises. The average particle size of monodisperse polystyrene microspheres was essfully prepared in the experimental conditions: the quality of styrene is , the quality of water is 56g, the quality of The quality of potassium persulfate) is , the quality of Styrene sulfonate is and the temperature is 80℃. At the same time we try to use ultrasonic dispersion method to prepare small particle size of PS microspheres, and investigate the impact of ultrasonic time on the PS microsphere particle size,we found that average pa