文档介绍:毕业论文教室智能照明系统设计学院: 专业: 学生姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 中文摘要 I 摘要目前,国内学校教室的照明灯具大多采用手动开关控制,即使严格管理, 还是不可避免的出现忘记关灯的时候,尤其是在白天,情况更是如此,因而造成大量的能源浪费。另外,各种照明灯具都具有一定的使用寿命,在光线充足的情况下仍继续使用,必然会缩短灯具的使用寿命。因此对教室照明系统进行自动化控制具有重要意义。而现有成型的教室照明自动控制器在应用中还存在一些问题,需要对其做进一步的改进。本论文详细研究了学校教室的使用特点和照明需要及存在的问题,提出了一种自动化的教室照明控制系统,采用低功耗单片机和总线技术,通过光控、红外检测、声控等芯片的运行来控制照明灯的开关。该系统有数据采集模块、串口通信、执行模块等的电路设计。通过硬件和软件的协同设计,该系统最终实现了在白天光照充足的情况下,教室无论有没有人照明灯都不开;在光照不充足的情况下,通过红外检测与声响检测来判断教室是否有人以此对照明灯进行控制,并在灯亮的情况下,该系统进入监控状态,若连续五次探测都没有人, 则发出熄灯警告,灯具亮灭闪烁,教室里的人在提示情况下会有所动作,从而灯具不熄灭,若无反应则关闭电源。关键词:照明控制,单片机,自动化,红外检测 Abstract II Abstract At present, the manual switch mostly used in domestic, lighting control, primary school classroom, even if the strict management, there will inevitably forget to turn off the lights when, especially in the daytime, the situation is more serious, resulting ina waste of energy. In addition, various lighting has certain use, still continue to use ina well-lit conditions, life will certainly shorten lamp. But the existing molding classroom lighting control system has some problems in the application, need todo research and development in the further. In this paper, a detailed study of the characteristics and needs of school classroom lighting and the existing problems, put forward a kind of automatic lighting control system, using low power microcontroller and field bus technology, on the basis of the improvement, such as switching the light, infrared detection, voice chip operation to control the lamp. The system has the circuit design of data acquisition module, munication module, execution etc.. Finally the system is realized in the day light, the classroom regardless of whether anyone lights are not open. In the light isnot sufficient, the infrared detection and noise detection to judge whether a person to control classroom lamp control. And in the light of the circumstances, the system enters the surveillance state, if five consecutive detection are not people, a warning flashing lights, lamps and lanterns, the