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文档介绍:Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself
When I was young,I was interested in making things out of everyday materials, such as paper, wood, glass, and so on
I remember the first thing I made was a paper plane which my mom taught me how to make All I needed was a piece of paper Later on, I used my colorful pencils to draw pictures on my plane
I drew rabbits, birds, fish, flowers etc to let my plane take them up to the sky
I even used string to tie all my planes to my ceiling, and I could walk through my planes which always made me want to take a plane
Since then I started to learn to make a lot of other things by using paper Even though a paper plane is the easiest item of origami I have ever made, and perhaps the most compact one I have ever made, it is still my favorite one
Now I have grown up It reminds me of the great times I had with my mom in my childhood; it also reminds me of what my mom always told me: fly up high and reach the sky Today, whenever I have a piece of paper in my hand, I will automatically fold a plane and recall my great childhood
Kite flying is popular in China Kites are often played with around the Qingming Festival in April I like kites very much and I can make kites myself
Once, I made a kite It was a beautiful swallow Firstly, I collected 3 sticks and paper The pa


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