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上传人:梅花书斋 2021/3/7 文件大小:18 KB





  That age-old question hit me one day on my way to work: Do we have free will or are we just puppets in a 1)Punch and Judy show?
  It’s such a fundamental question about our lives that countless people ask on a daily basis and yet it is probably one of the things we’ll never know in our 2)corporeal forms. I, for one, often wake up 3)bruised and scarred from the events of the day before. Seldom do I wake up fresh with 4)zeal and looking forward to the day ahead. But does that mean that my fate should leave me scarred and always in a state of disrepair? Is my fate so 5)mundane that all it involves is the daily 6)slog and nothing more? No enjoyment, no fulfillment, and no satisfaction with my actions? Since the fate is 7)sealed, is there nothing more for me to do apart from just going with the flow?
  As a matter of fact, what 8)Winston Churchill once said really impresses me: Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. Our destiny is basically our destination for our life…it’s the place where we intend to arrive after we put away the road map figuratively speaking) or turn off the internal navigation 10)GPS, once we finish driving.
  I recalled a conversation I had not too long ago with a former business acquaintance whom I relied on occasionally for my own 11)accountabi