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揭开“濒死体验”的面纱 揭开企业面纱.docx

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揭开“濒死体验”的面纱 揭开企业面纱.docx

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揭开“濒死体验”的面纱 揭开企业面纱.docx


文档介绍:揭开“濒死体验”的面纱 揭开企业面纱

  “濒死体验”一词于1975年由做濒死研究工作的美我国华达大学教授雷蒙・穆迪提出。穆迪博士在对100例有过“濒死体验”的病例进行研究后,完成了Life after Life一书。今后,对“濒死体验”进行研究的科学家越来越多,1978年,国际“濒死体验”研究联合会成立,成为众多研究者交流的平台。
  本文作者Penny Sartori,一位来自英国威尔士南部港市斯旺西一家医院的ICU病房护士,为我们讲述了她的“濒死体验”研究之旅。诚然,相关“濒死体验”还有很多未解之谜,但该项研究的意义十分重 大――正如作者所言:“只有当我们开始了解死亡时,我们才真正开始了解生命”。
  I was caring for a man on the night shift prior to his death. He had communicated to me how he was feeling and that he wanted to die. He looked into my eyes and the connection we made was something that profoundly affected me. My depression following his death almost induced me to give up nursing.
  I looked for support in education, hoping to find a course that would give me a greater understanding of death. Sadly, the only courses concerning death were 1)palliative care courses, which take a clinical approach to dying patients. So I 2)took it upon myself to read all that I could about death and eventually came across near death experiences .
  I was instantly 3)intrigued―people who had undergone an NDE were saying that death is nothing to be afraid of and that it is a wonderful thing. This didn’t mean that these people wanted to die, but they knew that when it was their time to die they would not be afraid. They describe