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上传人:读书之乐 2021/3/9 文件大小:17 KB





  1 What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?
  2 Old Mother Twitchett has but one eye,
  And a long tail which she can let fly,
  And every time she goes over a gap
  She leaves a bit of her tail in a trap.
  3 What runs round the garden without moving?
  4 My first letter is in fish and also in chips,
  My second is in mouth but not in lips,
  My third is in ache but not in pain,
  My fourth is my third all over again,
  My fifth is in pupil but isn't in class,
  My whole is a beast that feeds on the grass. .
  5 A father's child
  A mother's child
  Yet no one's son.
  6 My voice is tender
  My waist is slender
  I'm often invited to play.
  Yet wherever I go
  I must take my bow
  Or else I have nothing to say.
  7 We are a pair,
  We can dart here and there,
  Though we always stay in one place.
  We can smile or shed tears,
  Show our pleasure or fears,
  And you'll find us on everyone's face.
  8 What goes around in circles and makes kids happy?
  9 I'm very tempting, so it's said,
  I have a shiny coat of red,
  And my flesh is white beneath.
  I smell so sweet,
  Taste good to eat,
  And help to guard your teeth.
  10I daily am in France and Spain,
  At times do all the world explore,
  Since time began I've he