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上传人:临近再说 2021/3/9 文件大小:32 KB





  how do you think of "thinking应该说“”how do you like thinking or what do you think of thinking
  thinking is an ability owned by human being but not by is the difference between human being and is by thinking that man can make tools,it is by thinking that people can have language, it is through thinking that people canhave new ideas, opinion. it is with thinking that we have feelings.
  thinking is a magic can make us feel happy or you feel you are happy , you'll be happy although you have not much you think you can do something well, you wiil surely do it 't why we are told we should believe in oruselves.
  thinking is also something that make us fel strange, sometimes the more you think of something, the leyou can think of .but when you stop thinking about it , you can always find some new idea suddenly, that is the very thing through whichsome scientist invent something new. do you have such kind of thinking?


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