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文档介绍:February 20, 2015 Page 1of 1 AGENDA –MAYOR MEETING Planning & Development Services Division http://pwpds./agendas/ / Mayor Meeting Public Meeting Agenda **REVISED** Friday, February 20, 201510:00 . THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT SALT LAKE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 2001 SOUTH STATE STREET, NORTH BUILDING, ROOM N3600 ANY QUESTIONS, CALL (385) 468-6700 REASONABLE MODATIONS FOR QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS MAY BE PROVIDED UPON RECEIPT OF A REQUEST WITH 5 WORKING DAYS NOTICE. PLEASE CONTACT WENDY GURR AT 385-468-6707. TTY USERS SHOULD CALL 711. The purpose of the Mayor’s Meeting is to allow the Mayor’s Office to hear applicant and public comment, as well as agency and staff mendations, prior to making a decision on land use applications filed with Salt Lake County. The Mayor’s Office also hears business license related issues. PUBLIC HEARINGS 28980–Richard Beckstrand is requesting preliminary plat approval of a 2 lot subdivision. The applicant is proposing to divide the existing property at the subject location to create an additional lot. Location: 3809 East Thousand Oaks Circle Zone: R-1-10 (Single Family Residential) Planner: Spencer W. Brimley 29142–Andrew Quistis requesting an exception to County roadway standards regarding the installation of Curb Gutter and Sidewalk. Location:3940 South Hale Drive. Zone: R-1-21. Planner:Todd A. Draper. BUSINESS MEETING 1)Approval of Minutes from the December 19, 2014meeting. 2)Other Business Items (as needed)ADJOURN


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