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文档介绍:摘要 I 摘要 2005 年鉴定市场放开后,我国亲子鉴定机构遍地开花,鉴定数量激增,相关的法律规范却呈“空白”状态,导致其适用极为不规范,带来了一系列的社会问题。亲子鉴定结论为婚姻家庭纠纷中的过错认定提供了活的证据,但很多也给家庭的稳定和社会的安宁带来了危害。亲子鉴定的对象直接指向无辜的孩子,并直接关系到儿童的人身权和财产权等权益的保障,影响儿童的健康成长。所以, 亲子鉴定常常又被人称之为“伤子鉴定”。因此,从儿童权益保护的角度探讨亲子鉴定的法律问题,从理论和实务出发,论述亲子鉴定“热”的现状和原因,讨论亲子鉴定市场“放开”与我国相关立法的滞后的不协调,分析亲子鉴定本身及其后果对儿童权利和心理的影响,强调亲子鉴定亲子鉴定一定要以家庭和睦为重,维护儿童健康成长的权利。本文从区分有利和不利儿童权益保障的亲子鉴定类型出发,并在探讨国外的相关亲子鉴定立法的基础上,提出亲子鉴定应以儿童最大利益原则为出发点,应当慎之又慎,具体问题具体分析,最大限度地保护儿童的权利。对不同的亲子鉴定类型应区别对待,应重“法律推定”,而不主张轻易采取“事实认定”。在法律上维持婚生子女的地位,不得随意变更。坚持“以法律推定为原则,以事实认定为例外”的立法理念,设立亲子鉴定委员会加强审查。被法庭认可的亲子鉴定结论,不能简单的认定了事,要妥善处理好亲子鉴定前后相关抚养、赡养、继承、侵权等纠纷,规定亲子关系推定制度,设立认领制度,尤其要落实强制认领制度,完善我国的家庭监护与抚养制度,加强对亲子鉴定程序的规范化,确保亲子鉴定在法制的环境下有序进行,避免对家庭、社会尤其是儿童造成不必要的伤害。亲子鉴定的目的不能仅仅是揭开真相,而更应该是维护社会稳定和家庭安宁,通过科学技术手段为解决纠纷提供无可争议的物证。国家应对此加强管理,推动其健康发展,将其对家庭、对儿童的伤害降低到最低点,确保儿童的健康成长。关键词: 亲子鉴定儿童权益儿童最大利益原则 Abstract 2 Abstract Identification of market lib eralization in 2005, our patern ity testing agencies are everywhere. Paternity testing dramatic increase in the number, but the relevant legal norms is in the "blank" state, resulting in to its application is extremely non-standard, bringing a series of social problems. Paternity testing conclusion provides a live evidence for the marriage and family disputes fault, but many also injured the family stability and social tranquility. The object of paternity testing is directly at innocent children. It is directly related to protect th e child's personal rights and property rights and so on, and impacts children's healthy development. Therefore, paternity testing has been often referred to as "child-injury te sting" Therefore, from the perspective of the protection of children's rights to explore the legal aspects of paternity testing. I started from the theory and practices to discuss paternity test "hot" actuality and reasons, and considered the non-harmony about the "opening up" of paternity testing market with the lag of the relevant legi slation in our country .Then, I analyzed paternity test