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文档介绍:since 1967
PAGE 2 | 3
Ladies and Gentlemen,
our valued customers, business partners, suppliers,
employees, and friends,
In celebration of Polytec’s 50th anniversary, it is our pleasure to present We are certain that this close connection, this shared commitment to
to you a series of milestones from our company’s history, chronicling exceptional solutions, and our good relations with research institutes
how Polytec has developed from its beginnings to the present day. and customers have always been the foundation of Polytec’s success.
On the following pages we will show you how Polytec started out
When the company was established in 1967, Mr. and Mrs. Lossau as a distribution company and went on to become a company with
saw signs of a developing market for high-tech products. They were international operations and its own high-tech products of interna-
witnessing the development of lasers in the US and were firmly tional importance. To allow you to understand the events in their
convinced that lasers, these new light sources, would soon be historical context, we start each decade with a description of what
making their way to Germany. With their vision, Heinz and Liselotte was going on in the world at the time.
Lossau had sensed a change was in the air and recognized what
was behind it. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our
employees, our partners from research and education, our customers,
But on your own, as Mr. Lossau once told me, there is little you can our suppliers, and our friends who have helped us along the way
get done. He was able to get together a team of motivated and and contributed to our success. Without them, Polytec would not
