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文档介绍:摘要— II—毕业论文论我国公共事业管理主体摘要我国社会的二元结构正朝着“国家——市场——志愿组织”的三元结构发展, 传统的两大管理——行政管理和企业管理已经不能适应社会的发展需要,必须向三大管理即行政管理、公共事业管理和企业管理转变。这个转变的过程也是一个“主体”归位的过程,政府是行政管理的主体,私人组织是企业管理的主体,那么公共事业管理的主体由谁来充当?学术界在对此问题的研究上出现了分歧。根据制度相容原理,公共事业组织是与公共事业管理最匹配的组织,公共事业组织提供准公共物品最有效。公共事业组织包括事业单位、社会团体和民办非企业单位。从我国现行的法律看,它基本上没有或缺少关于非营利组织享受优惠待遇的相关条款。很大一部分条款都不同程度上削弱和影响我国非营利机构优势地位和生存发展环境,尤其是一些条款的制约性规定。因此,目前我国必须加强立法, 从各个方面对公共事业组织培育发展和监督管理。随着市场经济的发展而逐步趋向完善,随着政府改革和事业单位改革的不断深入,现实社会中公共事业组织正逐步成为公共事业管理真正的主体。关键词: 主体公共事业管理公共事业管理主体公共事业组织非营利机构 ABSTRACT — III— The Theory of The Agents for Public Welfare Service in China ABSTRACT The society isnow developing into a three-folded structure consisted of state, market, and anizations from the traditional two-folded form covering administrative management and business management, which is somewhat lagging behind the increasing demand from the society. It isa must to transform gradually into a system that is additive to the former with management of public welfare. In nature, the transformation concerns the subject for public welfare management. It is generally considered that governments shoulder the responsibility of administrative management and private sectors, business management. There es the question of the agents for public welfare service. Difference in the understanding lies in that some hold that government is responsible for the public welfare service and others believe it is the public welfare sectors ’ duty. In theory, it is advised that such public welfare sectors as institutions, anizations and non-business private services, match the most with management in this respect. Treatment enjoyed by non-anizations has rarely or even never touched upon inour existing legal system. Many legal items are not in favor of the health growth of those non-profit associations, either undermining or influencing them adversely. Up till now the legally acknowledged associations can be grouped into three types: rule-bound funds, social society and some non-governmental civil services