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上传人:fangjinyan2017001 2021/3/20 文件大小:71 KB




Jamie 扣 贰丝丝零起吴散气久
Gift From Room 7
This is a warm and heart-touching film produced in South
Korea, which is roughly about a story between a retarded father Longjiu and his lovely and smart daughter Yisheng.
Yisheng had been growing up as the only child with his father. Once a time, when dad Longjiu followed up a girl along with Yisheng ’s favourite sailor moon bag, unfortunately, he was
aidently involved in a young child kidnap and the victim ’s dad was exactly the police chief.
As we probabably can expect, Longjiu failed to convince the
police of being innocent from this case. And he was jailed at Room 7 as a result it by mistake. During that time, the father and the daughter both missed each other very much, while the
good news was that with the help of cellmates, Yisheng was sent to the Room 7 confidentially. The arrival of the pretty girl
brought considerable inconvenience though, but at the sametime also lit up the boring prisoning life.
What I gained from watching this movie is not only the
affections between father and daughter , but that way more about human nature
(1). Retarded people did not enjoy the equivalent respect they deserved as normal peeple. During being questioned, in
spite of the fact the policefailed to discover the truth in on


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