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文档介绍:暑假逆袭之背诵单词 3500 第二天 2014-07-0 5 突袭 3500 注意事项: ①例句、短语中给出中文释义的单词不要求背诵②例句只是用来理解词义的,不要求背诵③词语的其它词性最好了解怎样变形④固定搭配最好记一下⑤若是有词语辨析一定要理解,是理解而不是死记⑥根据自己情况选择学****的部分,本 PPT 初衷是为了单词背诵,而不要求精学单词的语法和固定搭配⑦若是选择了这样的背诵方式,要么一直坚持,要么从开始就不要选 administration n. [ ?dm ?n?'stre ??(? )n] ①管理 Have a far better database administration support. ②行政部门 The Obama administration has tried to ease the burden for young borrowers. 注: ease- 减轻 burden- 债务 borrower- 负担 databas e:数据库 administration expense 管理费用; 管理费; 办理用度 admirable a. [' ?dm ?r?b(? )l] ①值得赞赏的②可钦佩的 Few would dispute the admirable sentiments that are motivating this self-restraint. 情怀 Motivating- 激发 Self-restraint :约束 admirable absolute 总计 admirable afterpiece 压轴戏 admire v. [ ? d'ma ?? (r)] ①钦佩 I admire him admitting his mistakes in public. ②羡慕 Many Japanese still admire or tolerate them. Admitting- 承认 tolerate- 容忍 admire for 赞赏 admission n. [ ?d'm ??(? )n] ①准入②接纳 We attached a condition to his admission to our school. 我们对准许他入校附加了一个条件. Admission tax 通行税; 入场税 admission examination 入学考试 admission policy 招生政策; 入场规章 admit vt. [?d'm ? t] ①承认 I have to admit , my parents did think that when I first told them. ②准许(入场,入学,入会) Yale may also admit more students. Yale- 耶鲁 admit into 准许进入; 接受; 收容 admit of 容许; 有……的余地; 允许有 admit like 像承认; 承认像; 承认喜欢 adolescence n. [?d ?? 'lesns] ①青春,青春期 Yet culture does not create adolescence . late adolescence 青春晚期 adolescent n. [ ?d? 'les ? nt] ①青少年 Mike could hardly be described asyour typical adolescent . Described- 描述,记述 Typical- 典型的;特有的象征性的 adolescent health 青少年健康 adopt v. [ ?'d? pt] ①收养,领养? to adopt a person as a protege ?认某人为被保护人? The family adopted the orphan as their own. ?这家人收养了那个孤儿,把他视同己出。 adopt measures 采取措施 Adopt Authority 接受权限 adopt various methods 采取不同办法