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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2021/3/21 文件大小:634 KB




文档介绍:Ontology-Driven Composition and Validation of Scientific Grid Workflows in
Kepler: a Case Study of Hyperspectral Image Processing

Jianting Zhang
LTER Network Office, the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131
Contact Email: ******@, Phone: 1-505-277-0666

Abstract: Hyperspectral image processing based on Spectrometer (AVIRIS) has 512 lines by 614
Grid computing technology is attractive due to the columns by 224 bands with a spatial resolution of 20
large data volumes of hyperspectral images and by 20 meters [4]. Recorded at 12 bits resolution, its
intensive computation requirements for processing. data volume is about 100 megabytes in binary format.
Many existing Grid workflow tools do not provide Hyperspectral images are becoming increasingly
integrated visual workflow composition important in geosciences and environmental sciences.
environments and/or do not have workflow validation During the past decade, many data compression and
mechanisms to ensure structural and sema


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