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文档介绍:The Vampire Diary The Vampire Diary 《《吸血鬼日记吸血鬼日记》》?成员:黄俊楷曾树民李永乐?冯韬韩健 Introduction "The Vampire Diaries" is an American TV series. The series follows the life of Elena Gilbert , who falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore , and soon finds herself caught in a love triangle between Stefan and his e lder brother, Damon , while the brothers are haunted by the past they ‘ ve had with Katherine Pierce . The series also focuses on the lives of Elena ’ s friends and other inhabitants of the town n amed Mystic Falls. vampire ? They are stronger and faster than human ? They won ’ t get old ? They have special skills :read and change human ’s mind,hear sound farway,heal themselves …? They could walk outside in the daytime wearing mystic rings, without getting hurt from the sunshine . Therefore, inhabitants of the town don ’ t belive there are vampires living around. Relationships Vampire brothers Love triangle Best friends Brother and sister The girl is Elena Gilbert ( 艾琳娜·吉尔伯特- human ) and she is also Katherine ( 凯瑟琳- vampire ) in The Vampire Diaries .She is so beautiful and lovely that the two vampire brothers all love her . But he loves Stenfan first. This boy is one of the vampire name is Stefan Salvatore ( 斯特凡·萨尔瓦托) .He has been a crazy now he changed and fall in love. He is kind and eager to get along with human .D amon Salvatore ( 达蒙·萨尔瓦托) is Stefan 's older, stronger and malevolent vampire brother. When he was still human, he fell in love with Katherine Pierce, an evil vampire who seduced both him and his brother Stefan in ,he also loves Elena. Bonnie t ( 邦妮·本纳特) a witch ( 女巫) She also posses psychic abilities. When she touched people on their arm or hand, she gets a vision about the past. The exact extent of her powers are as yet unknown. she falls in love with Jeremy Gilbert, who is her best friend, Elena's, brother Jeremy Gilbert ( 杰


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