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文档介绍:学为贵 /
2016 年 06 月四级考试真题卷 2
Part I Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter
to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when
you were in should write at least 120 words but no more
than 180 words.
Part II Listening (30 minutes)
暂缺,可以参考四六级必过 APP 练习
Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)
Section A
Signs barring cell-phone use are a familiar sight to anyone who has
ever sat in a hospital waiting room. But the_____(26)popularity of
electronic medical records has forced hospital-based doctors to
become_____(27)on computers throughout the day, and desktops-which
keep doctors from besides-are_____(28)giving way to wireless devices.
As clerical loads increased, "something had to_____(29), and that
was always face time with patients," says Patel, a former chief
resident in the University of Chicago's internal-medicine program. In fall
2010, she helped_____(30)a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad
could improve working conditions and patient care. The experiment was
so_____(31)that all internal-medicine program adopted the
学为贵 /
same_____(32)in 2011. Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have
paperless, iPad-based curriculums. "You'll want an iPad just so you can
wear this" is the slogan for one of the new lab coats_____(33)with large
pockets to accommodate tablet computers.
A study of the University of Chicago iPad project found that
patients got tests and_____(34) faster if they were cared for by
iPad-equipped patients also_____(35) a better
understanding of the illnesses that landed them in the hospital in the
first place.