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  (April 20, 1799 - 18 August 1850), the French novelist, known as the "father of modern French fiction", was born in the middle of the city of Turion, a middle class Family, in 1816 into the law school, after graduation regardless of parental opposition, decided to embark on the road of literary creation, but the first works of the five-story poetic tragedy "Cromwell" is completely failed. And then he worked with people engaged in funny novels and strange novels of the creation, once abandoned the text from the business and business enterprises, published books series, etc., have failed. Business and business failure to make his debt, dragged on for life, but also for his future creation laid a solid foundation for life. In 1829, he published the novel "Joan", took the first step in the creation of realism, published in 1831, "donkey note" made him famous earthquake. In 1834, the completion of the "old man" of the book, which is one of the best works of Balzac. He wanted to make himself a literary career in Napoleon, in the 30 to 40 years with amazing perseverance created a large number of works, life is very rich, wrote 91 novels, shaped a total of two hundred and seventy-two lifelike characters Image, collectively known as "human comedy". "Human comedy" is known as "capitalist society encyclopedia." But he was due to the early debt and writing of the hardships, and finally due to overwork on August 18, 1850 died.
  Balzac was born in a bourgeois family who became rich after the French Revolution. Since his parents' life was not happy, the Balzac was not given the full moon when he was not full moon. Reunion Balzac ranked boss, then there are three brothers and sisters. But because of long-term foster care in the home, so his childhood has not been the caress of their parents, did not get much joy. He said in a later memory: "This is the mos


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