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韩国korea 英汉版.ppt

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韩国korea 英汉版.ppt


文档介绍:Go for a trip to Korea ---到韩国去旅游吧 Republic of Korea 大韩民国 position Republic of Korea , hereinafter referred to as south Korea, also called south Korea,north Korea call,is located in the east of Asia north Korea peninsula in the south of the country,for the capital Seoul. 一、韩国概况位于朝鲜半岛南半部, 北接朝鲜,三面环海。首都是首尔,总人口 4480 万左右,由单一的朝鲜族组成。官方语言是韩语。 8月 15 日是韩国的国庆日。韩国有“礼仪之国”的称号。概况大韩民国, 简称韩国, 又称南韩, 朝鲜称呼, 是位于亚洲东部朝鲜半岛南部的国家,首都为首尔。 Flag of Korea South Korea's national flag is called the tai chi flag, is the thought of Confucianism and Taoism is a foundation and draw. The central tai chi symbol of the universe, the blue as the Yin, red for Yang, everything is made up of Yin and Yang; Tai chi is by of Yin and Yang, to say the universe harmonic and unity of idea. 4 in the upper left corner of the hexagrams is dry, lower right for kun, upper right for candy, left lower for from, it means heaven and earth and fire and water, parents men and women of Italy, is the national symbol of fusion and the development of the country. 韩国国旗韩国的国旗被称为太极旗, 是以儒教及道教的思想为基础而绘制的。中央的太极象征宇宙,蓝色为阴,红色为阳,万物是由阴阳所构成的;太极则是由阴阳组成, 以表示宇宙调和与统一之意。 4个角落的卦在左上方的是乾,右下为坤,右上为坎, 左下为离,则代表天地水火, 父母男女之意,也正象征民族的融合与国家的发展。 National anthem South Korea's national anthem is patriotic songs, such as literal shows, patriotic songs is refers to love their country song. The song has a total of four sections, but the universal only sing the first paragraph. 国歌韩国的国歌是爱国歌,如字面所示, 爱国歌就是指热爱自己国家的歌。全首歌总共有四段,但普遍只唱第一段。 The national flower of the republic of Korea is hibiscus flowers. When the national emblem in design by five disc hibiscus flowers as the main body, with a match with the traditional in Yin and Yang tai chi design, carry forward the unique South Korea national style. National E mblem 国徽木槿花是韩国的国花。在设计国徽时以五瓣木槿花为主体,在花蕊配以传统的阴阳太极图案,弘扬了独具特色的韩国民族风格。 The national flower of the republic of Korea is hibiscus flowers. Flowers in bloom, hibiscus tree branches will raise many bud, a flower litter, other bracts will