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有关叶芝经典语录英文诗 有关叶芝经典英文诗篇一 THESE ARE THE CLOUDS云彩 --W. B. Yeats (1865-1939) These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye: The weak lay hand on what the strong has done, Till that be tumbled that was lifted high And discord follow upon unison, And all things at one common level lie. And therefore, friend, if your great race were run And these things came, so much the more thereby Have you made greatness your companion, Although it be for children that you sigh: These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye. 这就是日落处的云彩, 上苍把燃烧的大眼闭起来:
  弱者越俎代庖替强者, 直到它落下再重新升上来。
  谐音后面跟着不友好, 万物有共同的标准存在。
  因此,好友,假如你参与跑步赛,这类事情周围常存在, 你让你的同伴跑得快 即使对孩子你会叹息:
  这就是日落处的云彩, 上苍把燃烧的大眼闭起来。
  有关叶芝经典英文诗篇二 THE OLD MEN ADMIRING THEMSELVES IN THE WATER 老人 水中自赞 --William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) I HEARD the old, old men say, "Everything alters, And one by one we drop away." They had hands like claws, and their knees Were twisted like the old thorn-trees By the waters. "All that"s beautiful drifts away Like the waters." 吾闻老人言:
  一个接一个, 吾等会归天。” 埋葬在坟地,浸泡在水里。
  双手变为爪, 膝盖扭成犁。
  “如江河之水, 飞跃入海里。
  昔日之漂亮, 流逝难寻觅。” 有关叶芝经典英文诗篇三 He Mourns For The Change That Has Come Upon Him And His Beloved, And Longs for The End Of The World 她悼念自己及爱人的改变,并渴望世界的末日 William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) Do you not hear me calli