咸的英文怎么读 咸的意思:,①全;全部:老少咸宜。②像盐的味道;所含的盐分多,和 “ 淡 ” 相对:咸鱼、咸菜、咸鸭蛋、咸水湖。那么,你知道咸的的英文单词是 什么吗 咸 xián 咸的英文释义:
salty all in all cases 咸的英文例句:
Lean meat can be larded to keep it moist in the oven. 人类是从那些生活在咸咸的海水中的动物进化而来的。
Humans evolved from creatures that lived in salty ocean water. 这块熏咸猪肉我以为太咸了。
This bacon is too salty for me. 她咽下自己的咸咸的眼泪。
She swallowed her briny tears. 咸咸的水涌了进来,她在发抖。
Salt water soaked and shivering he snarls at the incoming tide. 地表以下是咸咸的硬水。
Below the surface there is hard saline water. 我买了一包咸花生米。I bought a bag of salted peanuts. 她忘了看煎锅,结果咸猪肉被煮烂了。
She forgot to watch the frying pan and the bacon was burned to a frazzle. 两条鱼儿穿过海一样咸的河水。
The two fish pass through the sea like a salty river. 咸的英文怎么读 "It"s corned beef and cabbage," said Malone "Yuk," said Maureen “这是 咸牛肉配卷心菜。”马隆说。“呃,”莫琳表示反感地说了一声。
A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold 冷盘咸鳕鱼是加泰罗尼亚 的一道特色菜。
a rasher of bacon 一片咸猪肉 a mixed grill of bacon, sausages, tomatoes and mushrooms 由咸熏肉、香 肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排 a packet of salted peanuts 一袋咸花生 Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork 把豆子和一片咸猪肉一起煮 Salty food makes one thirsty 咸的食物令人口渴 Do you prefer sweet or savoury food 你喜爱甜食还是咸食 The soup had a very salty taste 汤的味道很咸 This bacon is too salty for me 这块熏咸猪肉我以为太咸了 What kind will