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上传人:业精于勤 2021/4/2 文件大小:15 KB






有关秘书的英语自荐信怎么写 当今时代,英语已经成为一个多国、多文化,多功效的国际语言。小 编精心搜集了有关秘书的英语自荐信,供大家欣赏学习! 有关秘书的英语自荐信篇1 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is . I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What"s more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the .If I could have the opportunity to get the I will be quite appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully 有关秘书的英语自荐信篇2 Dear XX Manager: I "xxx Daily" on the advertisement, that your intention to recruit a manager secretary, wrote a special venture candidates. Two months later, I am from the hotel property management business school graduate. Height , dignified appearance, good temperament. In school, I systematically studied the introduction of modern#from xx XX end# management, social psychology, Hotel Management Studies, hotel financial accounting, hotel management, ho


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