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文档介绍:抗癫痫药及抗惊厥药抗癫痫药及抗惊厥药 Antiepileptic and Anticonvulsant 第一节抗癫痫药? 1、癫痫: 大脑局部病灶 N元兴奋性过高,产生阵发性高频放电,并向周围扩布,导致大脑功能失调综合征。是一种慢性、反复性、突然发作性大脑功能失调性疾病。? 2、类型: 根据临床表现和脑电图( EEG )分为: 部分性发作、强直—阵挛性发作(大发作)、失神性发作( 小发作)、精神运动性发作、癫痫持续状态。 anti-epileptic drugs (* preferred) conscious disturbance and psychiatric symptom with often involuntary movement, such as shake head, lasting for ~2min; t he same drugs mentioned above; 2. complex partial seizures (p sychomotor epilepsy) carbamazepine *, valproate , clonazepam , phenytoin, phenobarbital , primidone , antiepilepsirine , lamotrigine ; involuntary muscle contraction and abnormal sensory experience without loss of consciousness , seizures lasting for 20~60 sec; 1. simple partial seizures partial seizures partial seizures clinical features types of epilepsy Table 16-1 (1) Types of Epilepsy and Anti-epileptic Drugs carbamazepine * , phenytoin, valproate , phenobarbital , primidone , vigabatrin , lamotrigine , antiepilepsirine ; status epilepticus: diazepam *( .); immediate loss of consciousness with generalized tonic- clonic convulsion, lasting for a few minutes. Seizures lasting for longer time is termed as status epilepticus; 1. tonic- clonic seizures ( grandmal ) and status epilepticus anti-epileptic drugs ( anti-epileptic drugs ( * * preferred) preferred) generalized seizures generalized seizures t he same drugs mentioned above; partial seizures is followed by tonic- clonic seizures without loss of consciousness , lasting for 1~2min; 3. partial seizures with following tonic- clonic seizures clinical features clinical features types of epilepsy types of epilepsy Table 16-1 (2) Types of Epilepsy and Anti-epileptic Drugs ethosuximide *, clonazepam , valproate , nitrazepam , clobazam ; This seizures occurs and recovers more slowly than absence seizures; 3. atypical absence seizures anti-epileptic drugs anti-epileptic drugs ( (* * preferred) preferred) ethosuxi