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星座&花语 中英-课件(PPT讲稿).ppt

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星座&花语 中英-课件(PPT讲稿).ppt


文档介绍:星座&花语 1007405023 黄伟艳 1007405016 周晶晶 1007405018 关游也水瓶座 1/21---2/20 Aquarius [? 'kw ε? ri?s] January 21- February 20 Features : To treat people friendly, but not acquainted with the lack of enthusiasm but full of wisdom, who is philanthropy, advocating freedom of both the rational And cold Florid (花语) : loyalty, wisdom, reason, virtue 梅花 wintersweet Pisces [` pisi:z ] February 21-March 21 双鱼座 2/21---3/21 Characteristics: the gentle romantic with intuitive and artistic willing to sacrifice, however, easily changeable personality judgments under the correct situation Florid: self-esteem, narcissism, romance, art sensibility 香水百合[,k?s? 'bl ?? k?] CasaBlanca Aries ['ε? ri:z ] March 22-April 19 白羊座 3/22--4/19 星辰花 Features: the bright and lively personality energetic, challenging and forthright with leadership, but too easy to offend others Quick tempers, lack of patience Florid: change of heart surprised, worried about your love [' st? tisi ] Statice Taurus ['t? :r?s] April20-May20 金牛座 4/20 — 5/20 金牛座 4/20--5/20 康乃馨 Characteristics: In order to enjoy the pursuit of sensual pleasures, emphasis on material requirements, steady and reliable character, but the lack of flexibility, with cattle Like the stubborn temper Florid: grand beauty, clean, maternal [m ?‘t? nl] love( 母爱), love and beauty [k ɑ?'ne ??(?)n] Carnation 双子座 5/21--6/21 Gemini ['d? eminai ] May 21-June 21


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