摘要:黄顶菊Flavera bidentis是一个繁殖能力和生存能力很强的外来入侵植物,紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa是一个含有很高经济价值的多年生豆科牧草。试验经过研究不一样浓度的黄顶菊提取液对紫花苜蓿种子的化感作用,和不一样浓度的紫花苜蓿提取液对黄顶菊种子的化感作用,探讨紫花苜蓿对黄顶菊的生物防治作用。两种植物提取液的浓度均设、、、、 g/mL 5种,并以去离子水作对照。结果表明,黄顶菊提取液可影响紫花苜蓿种子的萌发和幼苗的发育,在高浓度时产生化感抑制作用;紫花苜蓿提取液显著抑制黄顶菊种子的萌发和幼苗的发育,浓度越高其化感抑制作用越强;紫花苜蓿提取液的化感作用比同浓度的黄顶菊提取液的化感作用强。 关键词:紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa;黄顶菊Flaveria bindentis;化感作用 中图分类号:;S541+.9 文件标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114202117-4123-03 Study on Allelopathic Effects of Medicago sativa on Flaveria bindentis BAI Li-rong,ZHAO Dan,LIU Guo-jie,ZUO Gui-huan Department of Life Science,Hengshui University, Hengshui 053000,Hebei,China Abstract: Flaveria bindentis is an invasive weed with strong reproductive and survival abilities; while Medicago sativa is a kind of perennial forage legume with high economic value. The mutual allelopathic effects between M. sativa and F. bidebties were studied to explore the biological control effects of M. sativa to F. bidebties. The mass fraction of the extracts of two plants was , , , and g/mL; and distilled water was used as control. The results showed that high concentration of F. bidebties extract could inhibit seed germination and seedling growth of M. sativa. Meanwhile, M. sativa extract could significantly inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of F. bidebties; and the inhibitory effects increased with the i