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文档介绍:Rev. piled by Review Approval 地脚螺栓安装程序 Procedure for anchor bolt erection Document No .P ROJECT OWNER OWNER ’S ENGINEER EPC CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR ’S ENGINEER 地脚螺栓安装程序 Procedure for Anchor Bolt Er e ction 一、施工工艺流程 Construction Process 1、在柱头砼施工后,应检查地锚框的预埋件中心线和标高。中心线的测量工作应由专职测量员用全站仪复核。埋件表面清理干净,并放出地锚框中心线。 Check the center line and EL for embedded part of anchor bolt rack after concrete pouring of short column. The professional surveyor will review the center line with total station. The surface of embedded part should be cleaned up and marked center line for anchor bolt rack. 2、检查地锚框的焊接质量和规格、数量及配件情况,清点地脚螺栓的数量、规格及配件情况,发现不符合设计要求时,应及时处理。地锚框上的油污、泥土等应清理干净,浮锈应提前除掉,所有构件不得刷漆。 Check the specification, quantity and accessory etc of anchor bolt rack and anchor bolt, and inspect welding quality of anchor bolt rack, dispose of anyone which isnot in accordance with design requirement. Oil contamination and mud on anchor bolt rack should be cleaned up, float rust should be removed in advance, and all parts cannot be painted. 3、地锚框焊接安装之前应处理好柱头施工缝,不得在地锚框安装后进行凿毛作业, 以免地锚框等被碰位移。上段柱箍筋应待地锚框和地脚螺栓安装后绑扎。地锚框与柱头埋件焊接前中心线和垂直度应粗调,调好后满焊于埋件上,焊缝高度不得小于 6mm 。为防止焊接变形,采取对称同时进行施焊。 Dispose of construction joints of short column before anchor bolt rack welding and erection, cannot do the daubing work after anchor bolt rack erection, to avoid anchor bolt rack from being bumped and displacement. The rebar colligation ofup
