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2021年英语押韵词大全 英语押韵分类.docx

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2021年英语押韵词大全 英语押韵分类.docx

上传人:非学无以广才 2021/4/5 文件大小:15 KB


2021年英语押韵词大全 英语押韵分类.docx


英语押韵分类 Different Types of Rhymes Here are some of the types of rhymes with examples of each: Assonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. It is sometimes referred to as a slant rhyme. Examples include tip and limp, dank and bat, bowl and home. Consonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. Examples include bell and ball, dump and damp, meter and miter, mile and mole. Dactylic - This rhymes the third syllable from the end. One example is Aristophanes and cacophonies. Eye rhyme - The rhyming in this type is based on spelling and not sound. Examples are: move and love, cough and bough, food and good, death and wreath. Feminine rhyme - Also referred to as double, triple, multiple, extra-syllable, extended, this has different beginnings of the words, but rhymes latter syllables. Examples include backing and hacking, tricky and picky, moaning and groaning, generate and venerate. Head rhyme - Also called alliteration or initial rhyme, this has the same initial consonant at the beginning of the words. Examples are blue and blow, sun and sand, merry and monkey. Identical rhyme - This is rhyming a word with itself, but often refers to a different meaning. An example is in Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death.” We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground— The Roof was sca