文档介绍:2008 年管理与经济学院论文清单序号论文名称 1 2007 年北京房地产价格走势分析 2 A Dynamic Pricing Model for Airline Revenue Management Based on Real Options Approach 3A Fast Algorithm for Data Erasure 4 A Fuzzy Modeling and Solution Algorithm for Optimization onE- Waste Reverse Logistics 5 A fuzzy Modeling for Facility Location Optimization of Spent Batteries ’ Reverse Logistics 6A Model of Capacity Control with Overbooking for a Two - leg work 7A New Method of Identifying English BaseNPs 8A New Model of Quality Cost Based on Customer Satisfaction 9A Note on the Proof for the Optimal Consecutive -k- out - of- n:G Line for n<=2k 10A Theory - Based Method for Modeling Web Service - Based Systems 11A research of outsourcing decision - making based on outsourcing market maturity 12 A Reverse Logistics Optimization Model for Hazardous Waste in the Perspective of Fuzzy Multi - Objective Programming Theory 13 A Study on Optimal Inspection Strategies of Reliability Systems with Parallel - Chain Precedence Constraints under Failure States 14A Study on Some System Safety with Geometric Process Repairs 15 A Study on the Optimal Inspection Strategies of Systems Subject to Tree Precedence Constraints 16A Study on the Reliability of consecutive k- out - of- n:G systems Based on Copula 17 Affecting Factors about Safety Management Capability of Chemical firm Based on Structural Equation Model 18 Affecting Factors of Coal Mine Firm ’ Safety Management Capability 19 Agent 在数据分析平台中的应用研究 20 AHP 和模糊多准则评价方法在空中突击方案评估中的应用 21 An Analysis of Status and Actuality of Chinese Non - anizations 22 An Efficient Algorithm for Content Security Filtering Based on Double - Byte 23 An Empirical Analysis on ERP Improving User ’s Decision - Support benefits: Evidences from key users 24 An empirical study on value co- creation system by integrating customers 25 Analysis and Strategy Research on Regional Technological Innovation Capability Differences 26 Analysis of Inventory with Random Supply Interruptions and Random Leadtimes 27 Analys