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文档介绍:撼要南沙群岛自古以来就魑中国领土的~部分,觅论从历史上、法理上,中国都有充分的证据证明:主权属中国无可争辩。可悲酶是,20毽纪?0年代矮,随羞嘉沙缝区大型油气爱弱丰寥海洋资源被发现,南沙周边阐家越南、滩律宾、马来西亚先后侵占南沙大量岛礁。并与印度尼西亚、文莱分割南沙大片海域, 开发石油、掠夺资源,进行非法活动。另乡卜,台湾驻守最大的岛晦太平岛。秘前,争端舞国不断加强其在南沙恐区酶政治存在、经济存在和军事存在。上述五国声称对南沙岛礁和南沙海域拥有主权是毫无根据豹,其{曼占“瑗凌”是菇不住瓣豹。僬是琶蔫,在南沙惩题。L 已明显出现对中国不利的两大趋势或瞬挑战:一是侵占南沙的国家频频造势,联合对华,东盟国家飘逐渐形成联手对付中潮之势,此即东盟因素;二楚区外大国介入和干预争瑞。主要是美嚣等嚣,明霎暗里翟护释支持与中黧有争满薛蠢沙蓠边各函, 维持南沙被多图占领的状态,此即美、日因素。这两方面对中国妥善解决南沙争端,谋求和平、安全、稳定的阁边环境构成重大撬战。妥善处理好南沙争端,关系重大。围绕南沙问题,各方船台了多个“共同开发”方案。为维护对南沙群岛的领土主权, 遵缀邓小平同志和平解决图际领土(海)争端的思想,中国政府挝出了“主权耩我、攘麓争议、共阏开发、耧平解决”酶方针和政策。对于南沙争端,作者提出了中国应坚持的基本原则和落实共同开发的举措。关键词: 南沙群岛争端主裰携战安全对策 Abstract The Nansha Islands have been apart of China since ancient proved by abundant evidences inChina both inhistory"and inlegal principle thatthe sovereignty ofthe Nansha Islands belongs toChina sadthat,after the seventies of the 20th century,as the area of Nansha was iscovered with oitand gas fields and abundant marine neighbouring countries such as Vietnam,the Philippines andMalaysia occupied alarge number ofislands and reeves inNansha essively,and cut apart alarge stretch ofsea areaofNansha along wi磕Indonesia and thisarea,氇ose countries explore thepetroleum,rob the resources and carry on illegal garrisons the largest island named Peace ,the countries inthe disputes are strengthening theirmilitary,economic andpolitical existence inthe areaofNansha constantly. The five countries mentioned above claim forthesovereignty oftheNansha Islands and its sea area,which groundless,and meir SO—called reasons upying are not atpresent, there hasalreadY appeared two main and apparent disadvantageous trends or challenges against China atthe issue . countries occupying islands or reeves of Nansha frequently takeactions and have been uniting bat China,and has alreadY taken on the tendency that the ASEAN countries have;ointly tackled Chin