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文档介绍:II 摘要洪武正韵不仅是我们研究明代古音明朝以迄近代音韵乃至现代方音变异的重要凭借而且也是研究文字词汇和词义的重要资料洪武正韵与当时代表北方通语的中原音韵相对立代表了当时南方的通语成为当时南方的书面语代表具有很高的研究价值前人对洪武正韵的关注和研究比较少在与其他韵书的研究相比情况下显得比较薄弱主要有龚时宪洪武正韵注疏忌浮洪武正韵研究周家栋正韵汇编刘文锦洪武正韵声类考刘静试论洪武正韵的语音基础等文对其进行过不同方面的研究它们主要集中在注疏文献信息工具书的编制反切上字系联及语音性质的分析上面而迄今为止也没有一个人对该书的韵类系统进行过全面细致的研究我们采用反切系联的方法对韵类进行了系统整理同时参照广韵及中古韵图利用四声相承的原则及从审音的角度采用音理分析的方法对系联结果进行了调整合并或分开整理出了全书的韵类展示了洪武正韵韵类系统的全貌同时我们对洪武正韵进行了计算机处理建立了数据库并在数据库的基础上统计出了全书共有小韵2267个反切下字850个这个反切下字的统计数字是不包括其他注音在内的最后在此基础上考定出全书共有韵类159个我们的研究对汉语近代语音的研究具有重要的价值和意义并为后人的进一步研究打下了坚实的基础关键词洪武正韵反切系联韵类 III Abstract Hong wu zheng yun is the important means for which we research the ancient phone of Ming Dinastythe phonology of Ming to Jin-Dai and the varieties of modern dialect. Compared withZhongyuan Yinyun which was representative of Northern Phraseology,it representative of southern phraseology at that time. Therefore it became the representative of written language in south China,and have great value to be pared with other Rhyme books,Hong wu zheng yun was soldom reseached by people studied different aspects of it,such as Gong shixian,Ji fu,Liu predecessors research concentrated on text-rectifyingreference books editing Fan-Qie-Xi-Lian and phonemic and phonological no one plete Yunlei System ofHong wu zheng yun so far. Rhyming Category is cleared up by means of Fan-Qie-Xi-Lian. referring to Guang Yun and other rhyme books,the results of Xi-Lian are integrated(uniting and detaching) based on Principle of Si-Sheng-Xiang-Cheng from the point of view of Shen-Yin by means of analyse of Yin-li,the panorama of Rhyming Category of Hong wu zheng yun is displayed in this paper. Simultaneously,the database ofHong wu zheng yun is built on the database,Xiao-Yun was counted to 2267,Fan-Qie-Xia-Zi was counted to 850,which do not include other ic notation,the number of Rhyming Category is also conuted to 159. Keywords: Hong wu zheng yun;Fan-Qie-Xi-Lian;Rhyming Category I 独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究