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文档介绍:摘要在照相机、录蒙机发明之前,要将当蹦的人物和事件保留下来的最好方法,就是采用绘画的手段。绘画能够起到文字无法替代的形象作用。而历代的王朝,由于礼制的需要,都曾经住宫廷内容纳众多的画家,绘制表现当时人物和事件以及景观的绘Iml作品。这一做法,在最后一个封建于朝一清朝,娃得尤为突出。《西湖十景图册考析》一文综合运用历史文献、古籍资料、卉代绘画_资料和实地调食资料相结合的方法,深入系统的阐述了作者对此《卜景图》的特征、历史源流以及描绘主题的认识;并使用刈比的方法坩此罔册的来历、功能以及内容题材等方而加以分析研究。本文讨论的《西湖十景图册》色彩鲜明、丰题突出、风格明显:描绘的内容是清雍正年问浙江总督李卫,在疏浚西湖、修缮古迹后增补的西湖十八景中与其切身相关的十景。幽册描绘风景的主题以及运用的绘画技巧与普通的文人画、风景画有很大不同:写实色彩明显,在其描绘的重点绝无丝毫作者臆造的成分;延续了南宋院体画风,又充分体现了清代中早期宫廷绘画的技巧。此图册描绘的乒题与李卫手持编撰的《西湖志》中“增补西湖十八景”的插图基本。致,应为李卫增补十八风景后由宫廷画家写实西湖风景的作品。关键词:西湖十景、李卫、西湖志、清代宫廷绘画 Abstract Before theinvention ofcameras and vedio cassette recorders,the bestway to store thepeople and events is isalways lifelike SOthatit can noteasily replaced China’Sancient histories,large amount of artists are recruited by theroyal families to paint people,events and nature,which ismost frequently seen inQing Dynasty This paper,Analysis of theAlbum of TenSites inWestLake,mainly expresses my views on thecharacteristics,the theme and thehistorical development of the album of the ten sites on the basis ofhistorical documents,ancient paintings and firsthand ,the functions and contents ofthealbum are alsoanalyzed inthispaper by means parison The Album of Ten Sites in West Lake is of brilliantcolors, outstanding themes and unique ten of the eighteen scenicsites inWest Lake builtby theHead ofZhejiang Province,Li Wei during theQing themes described and thetechniques used variesgreatly from mon landscape describes the rea thingsexisting instead oftheartist’Swild imaginings;it continues the painting features oftheNansong Dynasty while presenting thepainting techniques of the early Qing theme of thisalbum is fundamentally inlinewith thebook咖e Historyof theWest Lake written by LiWei,SO we can conclude thatthisalbum is amasterpiece about the naturalbeauty oftheWest Lake by the court artistsafterLiWei’Sbuilding andadding of theeighteen sites. Keywords:ten sitesinWest Lake,