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During the interview process, company recruiters are ....doc

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During the interview process, company recruiters are ....doc


文档介绍:Guide to Business Etiquette During the interview process, company recruiters are looking to hire intelligent, hard working, dedicated new employees. This includes hiring graduates with good social skills. Jeff B. Speck's article, Interviewing Etiquette states, "A sparkling GPA and extracurricular achievement will earn you an interview with most of the nation's top campus recruiters. But if you can't display proper social skills —I like to call it 'etiquette' your chances of making a good impression are nil." Companies will typically host a lunch or dinner asa part of the second interview or site visit. Yet, the thought of dining ina business setting often sparks an array of questions or downright terror in job candidates. "What do I order?," and "Will I be judged on my table manners?" are just a few of the questions that perplex the student who is preparing for this experience. Knowledge and preparation are key toa essful business dining experience. The following information and tips, developed with the input of recruiters, should address the questions and alleviate the stress so that students can focus their attention on the real purpose of the day — to sell themselves to the employer. Attire Most invitations to join a recruiter and/pany representative for lunch or dinner will be panied by general direction on expected attire. If anization fails municate this information, it i


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