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Mercy Corps - Aspen Institute.doc

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/30 文件大小:0 KB


Mercy Corps - Aspen Institute.doc



文档介绍:Position Description 1 Position Title: Vice President of Social Innovations Location : Preference in one of Mercy Corps US offices Position Category: Full-time, Regular, exempt POSITION SUMMARY: Through extraordinary leadership and vision, the Vice President of Social Innovations (VP SI) will direct the SI team to identify initiatives, donors, investors, and partners in order to co-create, launch and learn from social innovations – those enterprises blending methods from the worlds of business and philanthropy to create social value that is sustainable and having the potential to impact one million within a five year period. The VP SI will have the technical expertise and intuition necessary to anticipate which development solutions have the potential to scale and be sustained over time, and the management and leadership skills to bring those solutions – at least one per year - to fruition. The VP SI will lead and execute a process of introducing external methodologies, insights, lessons, and contacts into Mercy Corps global programs, while leveraging and building upon internal program opportunities for greater impact and sustainability. The VP SI will coordinate closely with other members of the SI team, in-country leadership, HQ executive leadership, technical sector directors and Regional Program Directors in order to inspire excellence in the field- based design and impleme


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