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杰克伦敦 - 杰克伦敦.ppt


文档介绍:Jack London (1876-1916) 12345 Family Life Experience Marriage D eath W orks Family was born near Third and Brannan Streets in San Francisco. 2. London's father was astrologer (fortune-teller) William Chaney. Jack London's mother, Flora Wellman, she was a music teacher . Whether Wellman and Chaney were legally married is unknown. 3. Late in 1876, Flora Wellman married John London (Veteran). 4. In 1897, when he was 21 and a student at the University of California, Berkeley. He attempt to find his biological father. Chaney responded that he could not be London's father. Life experience 1. In 1885, London found and read Ouida 's long Victorian novel Signa . He credited this as the seed of his literary ess . 2. In 1886, he went to the Oakland Public Library and found a sympathetic librarian, Ina Coolbrith , who encouraged his learning. (She later became California's first poet laureate and an important figure in the San Francisco munity). 3. In 1889, London began working 12 to 18 hours a day at a Cannery. escaping, he bought a sloop from an oyster pirate and became an oyster pirate. 5. After a few months, his sloop became damaged beyond repair. London became hired as a member of the California Fish Patrol . 6. In 1893, went to coast of Japan with a schooner . When he returned, the country was in the control of the panic of 1993 and labor unrest. Life experience 7. After working in a jute mill and a street-railway power plant, he joined Kelly's Army and began his career as a tramp. 1894, he spent 30 days for vagrancy in the Erie County Penitentiary at Buffalo, New York . 1896, after a summer of intense studying to pass certification exams, he was admitted by University of California, Berkeley . 1897, Financial circumstances forced him to leave and he never graduated. Life experience Life experience 11. On July 12, 1897, London (age 21) and his sister's husband Captain Shepard sailed to join the Klondi


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