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Enhancement of Housekeeping for Building Sites提高建筑工地的内务管理.pdf

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Enhancement of Housekeeping for Building Sites提高建筑工地的内务管理.pdf

上传人:中国课件站 2011/12/5 文件大小:0 KB


Enhancement of Housekeeping for Building Sites提高建筑工地的内务管理.pdf


文档介绍:Enhancement of Housekeeping for Building Sites

Ir. . CHAN
Departmental Safety and Environmental Advisor,
Architectural Services Department, HKSAR


Hong Kong is an international city with a beautiful harbour and prestigious
high-rise buildings. Are our building sites looking nice? We have risks of SARS and
Dengue Fever that affect our daily life and economic. Housekeeping is considered the
fundamental key for all these issues. We need to enhance it.

1. Introduction

Hong Kong is a dynamic international city named the Pearl of the Orient. It has a
beautiful harbour with a lot of prestigious buildings along the waterfront. Tourists
from overseas and Mainland like to visit Hong Kong and enjoy the cruise within our

Every day, we have our building works underway to improve our living,
education, health services and quality of life in Hong Kong. Are our building sites
looking nice parison with the prestigious buildings along the waterfront? Why?
Our construction sites have plained as the source of muddy waters, dust,
noise and mosquitoes, or with untidy scaffolding works etc. Can we do something to
enhance the housekeeping to change the appearance of our building sites and to
provide a better working environment for the site personnel, including you and me
that have to work on site?


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