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Quantanomo Bay concept Development.pdf

上传人:中国课件站 2011/12/5 文件大小:0 KB


Quantanomo Bay concept Development.pdf


文档介绍:Intentions in Architectural Design

Quantanomo Bay
Concept Development / Research Agenda
Prof. Paul Lukez

Summary of Overall Intentions:
The overall objective for the rest of the semester is to develop a design proposal that confronts
and addresses some issue or problem which is unique to Quantanomo Bay and those that inhabit
the base. This proposal, which must pelling and provocative, may take on physical,
environmental, political, social or other issues. The end project must have a “built” component
to it, but may also include larger landscape and ecological conditions. The project must include
at least 2,000 SF of “shelter.”

The next week of work is critical in determining the ess of your project. You goals for this
week are as follows:

1) Determine which issues or problems you wish to address.
Based on the preliminary research that we have conducted as a group over the past week, you are
to consider what are the important issues that you believe need to be addressed. There are no
limits to the types of problems and issues you may wish to address. Ideally, they have some
significance as regards the life of the people that inhabit the island, as well menting on
larger geo-political, and ethical issues. In other words, try to avoid trivial issues.

For instance, you may determine that there is a greate


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