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上传人:guoxiachuanyue012 2021/4/13 文件大小:16 KB




文档介绍:Active PedestrianFollowing Using Laser RangeFinder
The ability of robots to track and follow moving targetsis essentialto many real life applications such as museum guidance, office or library top of being able to track the pedestrians,one aspectof human-robot interaction is robot 's ability to follow a pedestrian target in an indoor environment. There are various scenarioswhere the robot canbe given instructions suchas holding books in a library or carrying groceriesat a storewhile following the pedestriantarget.
The key componentsof moving target following technique include Simultaneous Localization and Mapping(SLAM), Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects (DATMO),and motion planning. More often than not, the robots are required to operate in dynamic environments where there are multiple pedestriansand obstacles in the ,tracking and following a specific target pedestrian become much more challenging. In other words, the following behaviors must be robust enoughto deal with constantocclusionsandobstacleavoidances.
When designing the following algorithm, one intuitive approach is to set the target location as the destination for the robot. However, this approachcan easily lead to losing the target becauseit does not react to the target 'mostion nor consider the visibility problem (since the target may be occluded by obstacl