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上传人:梅花书斋 2021/4/13 文件大小:18 KB





  In the four years of school life, I have a systematic grasp of the financial system financial professionals, but also the development of today's financial industry with a deeper understanding. Therefore, to lay a solid foundation of professional expertise.
  Through a four-year specialized courses of study, can grasp and skilled use of international financial, monetary and Banking, Central Bank, Insurance, property insurance, life insurance, Western financial theory, financial marketing, financial marketing, school, bank accounting, commercial banks, Western economics and other professional knowledge and skills, and mastery of a computer beginner, intermediate knowledge and proficiency in the use of WINDOWS operating systems, proficiency in internet, can use WPS, Microsoft Word document editing and operation etc., and can use tools such as Photoshop software graphic design, mastered the production of Microsoft Visual FoxPro database.
  I have been active in learning and motivated to study professional courses in each door, and through the National Computer Rank Examination 2. In practice, life, I put myself in the cruel reality of the knowledge society, learning society, to participate in a number of social practice, greatly enriched his knowledge of society.
  I have a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests and h