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英语专业八级词汇1 英语专业八级词汇
发布人:圣才学****网 发布日期:2010-07-27 15:29 共 248人浏览[大] [中] [小] n the act of dividing or partitioning; separation 分开或分割
The division of wealth is very important.
派生词汇 Divide vt 分割,分离 dividend n 红利
adj very painful 剧烈的
I have got a splitting headache.
派生词汇 Split 劈开,切开 adj 已被分开的或被劈开的 n 劈开
adj that is heard or that can be heard 听得见的
Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind.
派生词汇 Audibly adv 能听见地 audibleness n 可被听到 audibility n 能听度
adj of a national, racial or tribal group that has a common cultural tradition 种族 的
Do not look at it with your ethnic view.
ncause and result 因果
Do not forget the causality.
派生词汇 Casual adj 表原因的,构成原因的,因果关系的
n sliding of a mass of earth, rock, etc. down the side of a mountain, cliff, etc 崩塌,滑坡
There is a landslide.
assistance 助手
They are the chief aides to the President.
n a movie camera or projector 电影摄影机或放映机
I have a
v to make films or movies 拍摄电影
派生词汇 Cinematographer n 电影摄影师
adj unable to stop taking or using sth as a habit 入了迷的,上瘾的
He becomes addicted to drugs.
固定搭配 Addict oneself to, be addicted to
派生词汇 Addict v 使人上瘾 Addictive adj 成瘾的 addiction n 沉溺
n drug used to diminish anxiety 镇静剂,安静药
She is taking tranquilizers frequently.
Exercises1. Sound is only within a limited distance.
2. The people on this globe is divided into groups according to __ and cultural differences.
3. The economists must study the relationship between scarcity of goods and higher prices.
4. behaviour should be seen as kind of mental disease.
5. The physician uses to reduce the patients’ tension or anxiety.


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