文档介绍:西南民族大学工商管理硕士(MBA) 学位论文题目国家电网公司发展战略研究作者完成日期 2014 年3月班级 2009 级春季班培养单位 MBA 教育中心指导教师研究方向论文类别授予学位日期年月日摘要改革开放以来,国家电网公司经历了三次大的变革,总的来说,这三次变革的主要方向,都是从计划经济向市场经济的过渡。也就是说,从供电局向国家电网企业的转型,三集五大管理战略的建立,智能电网建设方向的确立,新能源战略和国际化发展战略的确立等方面,国家电网公司都经历了较为完整的过渡且实现了较为系统的体系。研究国家电网体系的相关战略,一方面可以促进国家电网核心竞争力的提升,一方面对于依存于国家电网战略体系下的各企业提供次生战略的方向和定位。本文重点研究了国家电网的整体战略体系和战略思想的结构和沿袭,从中梳理出国家电网战略体系中的要点,以及其中的不足和问题并且提出相应的意见和建议。关键词: 国家电网;发展战略;核心竞争力 Abstract Since the reform and opening, state grid corporation has experienced three big changes, in general, the main direction of the three changes, all is the transition from planned economy to market economy. That is, from the power supply bureau to the state grid enterprise transformation, three sets of five management strategy, the establishment of the smart grid construction direction, new energy strategy and internationalization development strategy indeed some respects, the transition of state grid corporation have undergone plete and systematic system is realized. Study related strategy of national grid system, on the one hand, can promote the petitiveness of the national grid, on the one hand to depend on the state grid under the strategic system of various enterprises to provide direction and positioning of secondary strategy. This article focuses on the overall strategy of the national grid system and the structure of the strategic thinking and lineage, teased out the key points in the strategy of national grid system, and the ings and problems and put forward the corresponding opinions and Suggestions. Key word : State Grid Corporation of China ; Development strategy ; The petitiveness 目录摘要......................................................................................................... 1 Abstract .................................................................................................... 2 第1章前言.......................................................................................... 5 研究目标.............................................