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  Tomorrow is a New Day ——Reading on Gone With the Wind

  American writer Margaret Mitchell wrote a work merely on the legendary place in the literacy circles of writers, her only work Gone with the Wind has become the United States’ best-selling
works of fiction overnight .November 8th, 1900, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, home of a lawyer. Since childhood, the Civil War, which happening in Atlanta, has become the topic. Of
course Atlanta became the natural background of the novel. Margaret has spent ten years’ time to write the novel and half a year’s time to cross-check fiction historical events involved in the
specific time and place.

  Gone with the Wind is a novel describes love. Margaret used her female fine and smooth to grasp young women’s complicated psychological activities exactly when they are seeking for love
,modeling this novel’s complex figure Scarlett successfully .Sometimes, this figure was very familiar to us ,but sometimes very strange. Sometimes we could understood her,but sometimes we
thought she was unintelligible. However, we could fell she was very authentic from beginning to the end , these were this book’s greatest achievements. Scarlett was young and beautiful but what
she had did show her cruel and greedy. In order to re-energize her family property, she took her love and marriage as

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  business. She had three marriages, but she was not sincere at all. Finally, she found that, Ashley, the man she kept in mind constantly was weak and incompetent in character. But the man
named Rhett Butler was worthwhile to be loved.

  From the view of appreciation of the beauty, the person who had a complicated character could not be intaken into a negative character simply. In previo


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