题 目 :图像边缘检测方法研究
英文题目:Research on Image Edge Detection Methods
学生姓名 肖 龙
学 号 07323116
指导教师 李国萍 职称 讲师
专 业 信息工程
摘 要
本文对边缘检测理论和算法作了深入的研究,在具体分析各类传统的边缘检测算法的基础上,重点研究了Canny算法,并结合改进的MTM算法及Otsu算法对Canny算法中的滤波方法和双门限选取方法进行改进。最后,用MATLAB 实现该算法,实验结果表明,改进后的算法(CMO算法)取得比传统的Canny算法更好的边缘检测效果。
关键词:图像处理; 边缘检测; Canny算子; 滤波; 自适应阈值
Digital image edge detection plays an import part in image analysis, such as image segmentation, interested region recognition and region shape extraction。And it’s an import method in image feature extraction of image edge includes the valuable infotmation of the image which can be use in image understanding and through edge detection,we can greatly reduce the calculation of image analysis and processing in the following step。Usually,the first step of image understanding and analysis is edge detection,and it has been the most active topic in the machine vision research field,also it plays an import part in engineering ,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络
Most of the traditional edge detection algorithms,such as Roberts,Sobel,Prewitt, Kirsch,Laplacian ,just construct an edge detection algorithm with a small neighborhood in each pixel of the original image,and then carry out with first differential or second differential operator in order to obtain the maximum gradient or the zero-crossing point of the second derivative,finally select an appropriate threshold to extract the edge。But these algorithms share the same shortc