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文档介绍:每日一句英语 1. 我们在下一个公共汽车站下车。 We get off at the next bus stop. 2. 前面即将到达北京路站, 到站的旅客请准备下车. Next stop is Beijing Road, passengers, please prepare to get off. 3. 你是第一次来这个城市旅游的嘛? Is this your first visit to this city? in the media world means to accept a great challenge. 在媒体界工作意味着要接受巨大的挑战。 5. 在这两种仪器中,物镜所成的象都是通过目镜来观看的。 In both instruments, the image formed by an objective is viewed through an ocular . 6. 教室门上贴了通知说由于停电下午没课。 A notice posted classroom door said no because of the blackout afternoon. 7. 明天会再来一次停电吗? Will there be another blackout tomorrow? 8. 停电时,他们刚好在看电视。(注意:同上例) They were watching TV when the lights went out. 9. 每年有 5 个节假日,公司休息不上班,你只干 15 天。 We are off for 5 holidays year , so your available working time is down to 15 days . 10. 户提供售车咨询, 专业维修、服务、节假日不休息, 欢迎光临或致电选购。 Car sales to households to provide advice, professional maintenance, services, holidays without a break, or call the e to buy. 11. 在国营企业,节假日名正言顺休息,值班给钱或调休天经地义, 情绪不好时给钱和调休都不愿干; I don't know why there are always some time that I can't find work hard, but with no return. I still need hard-working. 但我仍然需要努力学****isa kind and hard-working person. 他是一个友善并且勤奋努力的人。 bench asa local (vertical or horizontal laminar flow) clean installation, will enable the work area to meet the requirements 100 of the purification. 洁净工作台作为一种局部( 垂直或水平层流) 洁净装置, 可使工作区达到 100 级的净化要求。 15. 一定要把所有的试管都贴上标签。 Be sur