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中国移动 ICDT集成6G网络正式版.pdf

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中国移动 ICDT集成6G网络正式版.pdf

上传人:蒙查查 2021/4/23 文件大小:1.56 MB


中国移动 ICDT集成6G网络正式版.pdf



ICDT Integrated 6G Network

Executive Summary

ICDT is the technological integration trend of mobile communications technology,
information technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology. It is the
extension of ICT integration and the technical driving force to promote the social
economy to upgrade to intelligence and to expand from the physical space to the
virtual space. ICDT will usher a large number of emerging services and application
scenarios, such as AI services, immersive services and digital twin services. It will
bring an explosive growth of mobile information processing demand and
consequently drive 5G to ICDT integrated 6G.
ICDT integrated 6G will be an end-to-end (E2E) information processing and
service system. Its fundamental functions will extend from information delivery to
information acquisition, information computing and information application, and
providing stronger multi-dimensional native capabilities such as communications,
computing, sensing, AI and security. It will bring a beautiful vision of "digital twin,
ubiquitous intelligence" for the social and economic development towards 2030.
ICDT integrated 6G will redefine the mobile network architectures, functions
and performance in multiple dimensions. The new design certainly faces new
problems and challenges. This white paper will focus on the following key
technologies and problems, and try to give solutions to the challenges ahead.
1. ICDT integrated network architecture and protocol stack
The 6G network will further extend the 5G service-based architecture and
software defined network to the E2E architecture, so as to support the
space-air-ground integration, cloud-network-edge-terminal cooperation, and the