文档介绍:摘 要
关键词: 结晶器; 液压伺服系统; 激振; 正弦振动
The system of hydraulic vibration system for crystallizer was introduced in the design,To control the sinusoidal vibration of the cylinder, the sinusoidal signal is input into the servo valve by the computer .In the design, the working conditions is analysed,and the requirements of the system under this conditions is also analysed。 For the design of the hydraulic system, the pump,servo valves, hydraulic cylinders and other major components of the Selection are detailed calculated 。
In the design of the pumping station, the core are calculation of the pump, storage tank of the design and selection, the relations among each other are impacted, at the same time, The hydraulic systems are also impacted by external factors such as the working environment and temperature The impact of these effects on the system is very great, if this factor is not taken into consideration, There will be direct impact on the performances of the system.
The various parameters of the system is calculated according to the contents of the conditions, and we can calculate the displacement vibration curve of the hydraulic cylinder of the system. According to vibration curve equation,we can work out the most flow of the system , And determine the working conditions according to the results of the whole system。
The calculation of the pump-driven power of the system is the average of the power required in the vibration of the system under the working condition