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  Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of parents. To cultivate a healthy and happy baby, we need the full cooperation of family, society and kindergarten to achieve the best
results. We feel very honored and pleased to be able to work with you to build a bright future for children. To describe the perfect starting point of life for our children, we invite you to
attend the mid-term parent-teacher conference in the park, and we will discuss and speak freely together. I hope I can have a good communication with you on the issue of children's growth and
education. Your suggestion is our harvest. Let's raise a sky for our children. Taken the parent-teacher meeting specific arrangements are as follows:

  I. Time: 8: 00 on the 12th of April Sunday

  II. Venue: Conference Room

  III. Matters requiring parental cooperation:

  1. In order to enable you to communicate with your teacher more attentively, please leave your baby at home and take care of it. Please mom and dad make arrangements for your baby in advance
and attend on time. Thank you for your cooperation.

  2. If you are unable to attend the parent-teacher meeting under special circumstances, please inform the class teacher in advance and communicate with the teacher as soon as possible aft


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