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丧尸 英语_图文.ppt

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丧尸 英语_图文.ppt


文档介绍:丧尸生存手册丧尸生存手册制作:唐侨丧尸( Zombie ) Zombie (Zombie) is a kind of undead. The es from the faith of voodoo. According to the faith of voodoo, "houngan" or "mambo" can raise the dead. After the resurrection, the dead will not have independent consciousness, and still be raised the ceremony held control. So in the resurrection of the dead is called zombies. Zombie with zombies differ in nature, zombies are generally directly by the living transformation, and the zombie must be dead transformation. Zombie afraid of light, zombies are not afraid. Zombie move faster, zombie moving slowly. Zombie is mainly in east Asia, and zombie is a real western goods. Zombie ’ s types (丧尸的种类)1、 Parasitic (寄生) (1) Viral parasitism (病毒式寄生) (2) helminth ( 寄生虫) It‘ s infection ability is very strong,If you are bitten by this Zombie. You will greatly increase the possibility of turn into a zombie, Zombie ’ s types (丧尸的种类)?2、 Radiation (辐射) They do not have the ability to infect. but they have very strong radiation and attack,They are very dangerous Zombie ’s types (丧尸的种类) ?3、 Alien ’s zombie (外星丧尸) 4、 Magic ‘ s zombie ( 魔法丧尸) ……………… and so on The outbreak of the crisis 危机爆发? Two hours after the eruption (初爆发后两小时) GO HOME!QUIKE! Because the family is the most safe for you The preparation of survival 求生前的准备? Food, drugs, weapons, vehicles...... Food (食物) 1、 water 2 、 solid food Weapons (武器) ? cold steel (冷兵器) 1. knife (刀) ? 2. crossbow ( 弩) Your imagination (你的想象) as a matter of fact ……(事实上……)


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