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上传人:changjinlai 2021/5/1 文件大小:16 KB





My name is XX , I am very glad to discuss with you the pursuit of excellence , dedication youth , this topic , today I ' mgoing to lecture on the topic of " dedicated , lit the fire is the youth.
Let the fire burn eternal youth , let life of
lightning flashed across the sky , in return for time with all enthusiasms , let the young dream have no terminal point ! I appreciate the fire of youth in this passage , and always use it to inspire their study ,
work and life. I think that the youth should be burning , light worthwhile ! Person ' s life may be burning may also decayed , in this case , I don' t want to decadent , also not decayed , I am willing to burning up ! Our friends present here ! Are you willing to ?
Youth , is the most beautiful season in our life ,
she gave birth to the early spring to life , to show
the warmsummer, lurks a autumn , to recognize the hope of winter , full of poetic and not lack of hard
excitation - feeling
romantic and full of
hard struggle. When a person together to an era of youth , a career , the youth will not far away , and this business will reflects the shine in the years of experience.
Having said that , I think of these words : " some
people alive , he was dead ; some people died , he was still " The meaning of life is to live ,
then what is the meaning of alive ? Is not , of course , in order to live and live , only two words , dedication ! We can imagine , do not pay , do not create , do not pursue such a youth must gradually in a time-lapse old , looking back , no trace , no remembrance, teeming with life sigh. I think , this is definitely not the meaning of our existence. Through the ages , there are countless people who are in the days of his youth had madeimmortal life , I have no enough time to list here. , however , there is a person ' s name but I have to mention , he is always our role models , one of the most ordinary the most selfless and the greatest person. Everybody know


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