文档介绍:唐山学院毕业论文论文题目: 现代快速消费品促销方式研究系别: 经济管理系班级: 09市场营销(1)班姓名学号: 高慧斌(4090525105) 指导教师: 刘阳 2 0 1 3 年6月现代快速消费品促销方式研究摘要近几年我国的快速消费品市场成长迅速,得到了充分的开发,同时也使现代快速消费品行业竞争更加激烈, 尤其受到前一轮经济危机的影响, 我国宏观经济出现整体增长缓慢的的趋势,同时消费物价指数也居高不下,使得消费者信心受到影响, 消费者信心指数下降,消费者对于快速消费品消费更加小心,对于各种促销和价格增减十分敏感。由于我国快消品市场仍然存在一些问题,所以深入了解市场基本情况、快消品促销影响因素以及各种促销方式的特点, 在合适的时间采用合适的促销方式对于快速消费品的消费增长意义重大。本文将通过对现代快速消费品市场情形以及促销影响因素的研究,并提出一些建议使快消品促销效率性提高,同时更加贴近消费者的真实需求,使快速消费品企业在市场中取得竞争优势。关键词:快速消费品市场促销促销方式 S tudy on the promotion of modern fast moving consumer goods Abstract In recent years, our country's fast moving consumer goods market growing rapidly, has been fully developed, but also the modern fast moving consumer goods industry petitive, especially by former an economic crisis, China's macro economy overall trend of slow growth, while consumption price index is also high, consumer confidence is affected, the consumer confidence index fell, consumers more careful FMCG consumption, for a variety of promotions and price decrease sensitive. Since China FMCG market there are still some problems, so in-depth understanding of market fundamentals, FMCG marketing factors and the characteristics of various promotional methods, at the right time using the right marketing approach for fast moving consumer goods consumption growth is significant. This will be through the modern fast moving consumer goods market conditions as well as promotional influencing factors, and some suggestions to make FMCG marketing efficiency is improved, while closer to the real needs of consumers to make fast moving consumer panies gain petitive advantage in the marketplace. Key words : fast moving consumer goods ; Market promotion ; Sales promotion ; 目录 1引言................................................................................................................................. 1 2论文相关理论基础......................................................................................................... 2 现代快速消费品概念及特征.........................................