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文档介绍:Sports and Exercise 生命在于运动? Life lies in movement. 饭后百步走,活到九十九? Daily walking, longer living. ? Walk after eat, live till a century ? A short walk after each meal brings you a long life. Oral practice ? Do you take regular exercise? ? What kind of sports do you like best ? ? Do you prefer to do exercise alone or with your friends? ? What benefit can people get from regular exercise? Yes, I do, I usually run in the evening. I do enjoy exercising but finding the time is the hard. (lazy) I like football best, I like the feeling of running with the wind on the filed My favorite sport is basketball. I like watching it , although I am not good at it. I prefer to do exercise alone, because I could think something myself. I prefer to do exercise with my friends, I like laughing with everyone. People will stay stronger, more fit, and healthier. If you get regular exercise, you can get better sleep and it helps calm your busy mind. Oral practice ? What is the most popular sport in your country? ? What kind of sports facilities exist around you ? Ping pong and badminton are very popular in China, basketball and football are also very popular. I live in a university. It has football fields, tracks, badminton, volleyball and tennis courts, and other kinds of exercise equipment such as swimming pool. ?体育馆里的气氛很好,每个人都在大喊大叫, 吹口哨,甚至欢呼。?锻炼让你保持健康,研究证明多锻炼的人得病的几率要小很多。 The atmosphere in the s


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