文档介绍:黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract The crime ofintentional destruction ofproperty as a necessary part ofcrimes against property,and has an important role inthe protection ofpublic and private property ownership and stable social order.”The Supreme People’S Procuratorate, Ministry ofPublic Security forcriminal cases under thejurisdiction of the public ans filing Standard ofProsecution(a)”came intoforce on June 25,2008,the provisions of Article 33 ofthe intentional destruction ofpublic or private property should beplaced on fileprosecution ircumstances:(a)resulting inthelossof more than 5,000 public and private property,(b)the destruction ofpublic or private property more than three times,and(c)mustered three more blatant destruction of public orprivateproperty,and(d)other serious provision oftimely, accurate blow intentional destruction ofproperty crimes todetermine aunified’recourse mustered three or more persons blatant destruction of property,”this prosecution standards injudicial practice,there isconsiderable controversy affectthe identification ofthecrime or the author through empirical methods toanalyze this ,according tothe survey data and thereal case inthe firstchapter elaborated intentional destruction ofproperty crimes’prosecution standards applicable to the status focused on tomustered more than threepersons blatant destruction ofproperty,’’this’scope ofprosecution standardsbody,mustered more than three persons Gathering prosecution prosecution or for allparticipants?There isof ”flagrantunderstanding that’’flagrant”To achieve what statethecrime?The lastauthor Exploration judicial practice how tO correctly apply mustered three ormore blatant destruction ofproperty crimes’prosecution standards. Keywords:Empirical study;crime of intentional damage to property;filing and prosecution standard;mustered threepeople above;open 目录目录中文摘要???????????????????????????????I Abstract?????????????????????????????????????????II 绪